Don’t Miss Out: 4 Ways an External Team or IT Consulting Firm Could Help You

You want technology to work for your company, not for your company to work for technology. Oftentimes, business leaders can feel caught in a whirlwind. Chasing after change is frustrating and can negatively impact your growth and ultimately your profitability. Working with the right  IT consulting firm to clarify strategy provides a rudder to navigate shifting winds. A business-minded IT consultant keeps an ever-vigilant watch over your business by monitoring your systems and managing your IT infrastructure every hour of the day.

How Can IT Consulting Help Me?

With the right technology, your business can stay on top of budgeting concerns while meeting critical goals. Let’s take a look at four ways businesses find new opportunities and optimize their operations to become more efficient and profitable with an IT consulting firm.

1. Business Aligned Budgeting

It is often assumed that IT budgeting is only required to gain an understanding of costs involved in managing IT operations and projects. While that may be true to an extent, taking a business aligned approach to IT budgeting also helps ensure that you directly align budget to business priorities .

Business Aligned IT budgeting helps your business with the following:

  • Tracking and controlling technology expenses.
  • Strategizing ways to optimize business and reduce costs.
  • Identifying and implementing IT initiatives that bring business value.
  • Allocating internal resources toward ongoing digital transformation.
  • Minimizing downtime and business interruption.

IT spending is globally projected to total 4.5 trillion dollars in 2022, an increase of 3 percent from 2021, according to the latest tech forecast by Gartner. Since IT costs are a sizable component of an organization’s budget, planning for such expenses can be challenging. It’s no surprise that external teams or IT consulting firms are being called upon for guidance with technology being so invaluable to organizations today.

2. Cloud Migration and Integration

Many business executives are aware of some of the benefits of moving to the cloud, but continue to put off the project of migrating away from their on-prem systems. Maybe it’s because making the switch seems too difficult or expensive. Maybe it’s due to not fully understanding how the cloud can provide real-life, tangible benefits for your business like those listed below.

Benefits of moving to the cloud include but are not limited to:

  • Reliability and ease of access.
  • Data loss reduction.
  • Security and compliance.
  • Backup and disaster recovery.
  • Remote endpoint access.
  • 24/7 data monitoring and protection.
  • Reduced hardware expenses.

The right IT consulting firm will discuss how cloud migration and integration services work, what you can expect when you make the move and how their team of experts makes it painless.

3. IT Project Management

IT project management (ITPM) is the process of planning, scheduling, executing and overseeing projects to achieve business goals. The magnitude of IT project management often encompasses more than just applying knowledge, aligning skills and using regular tools and techniques to drive a project to completion. Why not let the experts take care of IT for you?

Providing expert guidance and resources for organizational change is an IT consulting firm’s bread and butter. Receive help in the following areas:

  • Project portfolio management.
  • Management for projects of all levels of complexity and size.
  • Strategic project selection.
  • Recovery services to realign projects that are off-track.
  • Project review to ensure proper timelines and milestones.

Since the reach of IT spans across most of a business or enterprise, the scope of these projects can be large and complex. Take advantage of the extensive experience offered by an IT consulting firm for your most diverse projects.

4. Digital Transformation

You probably aren’t tracking anything in handwritten ledgers, but even digitized spreadsheets and files can only take you so far. Imagine if Netflix was still limiting you to physical DVDs sent by mail instead of streaming content and suggesting new movies based on your viewing habits. From customer service to mining data to improving distribution, seizing every opportunity business technology offers can catapult your organization ahead.

Transform your capabilities with these digital transformation services from an IT consulting firm:

  • Recommendations and implementation of innovative technologies.
  • Comprehensive assessment of current systems.
  • Thoughtful integration of  artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), internet of things (IoT) and cloud analytics.
  • Strategic plans to transform customer service, research, manufacturing and production through technology.

Today’s technology holds great promise for your business. Tapping into that power and promise is easier when you partner with an expert guide who seeks to understand your needs.

Consult the IT Experts at Afidence

At Afidence, we’ve seen how far our digital transformation services can take businesses. Easier, more-informed decision making, ground-breaking efficiencies and personalized customer experiences can be the next chapter in your story. Why wait to start writing it?

Let us help you get more done, stress less and empower your team with our collaborative business and technology consulting services. Book a consultation with us today and go farther, faster. 

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Cyber Crime

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It’s not anything you want to think about, but cyber crime is a threat every business must face. With this guide, you can map out a plan to protect and prepare your company for the inevitable.

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